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6:00 PM

8:00 PM

School Board Meeting
This is the regular monthly meeting of the Concord School Board.

Central Office Board Room, 38 Liberty Street

Two opportunities for public input are offered at each and every Board meeting.

The agenda and a scan of the complete packet of materials for the meeting can be found at:
School Board
School Board

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12:00 AM


12:00 AM

Independence Day: Closed
School Board
School Board

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5:30 PM

6:30 PM

Board of Education Work Session at Central Office

 Location: 38 Liberty Street, Central Office Board Room

Concord School District 

Board of Education Work Session

Central Office Board Room

July 8, 2024





1.  Call to order

2.    Discussionon Middle School Proposal

School Board
School Board

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5:30 PM

6:30 PM

Board of Ed. Work Session: Open Public Hearing
Central Office Board Room
38 Liberty St.
Concord, NH 03301

Concord School District 

Board of Education Work Session

Central Office Board Room

July 15, 2024



1.  Call to order

2.  School Board Discussion on project

3. Bond Schedule

4. Discussion of Contingencies

5. Public Hearing on Middle School Project

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School Board

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5:30 PM

6:30 PM

Special Board Meeting -Public Hearing
1. Call to order
2. Review of the Bond
3. Public Hearing
4. Vote
     a. HVAC at CHS
     b. HVAC at BMS
     c. New Buses
5. Non- Public under RSA 91-A:3 (II)c
School Board
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6:30 PM

7:30 PM

Special Board Meeting Non Public RSA 91-A:3 (II)c
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5:00 PM

5:30 PM

Executive Committee
This meeting is open to the public, although it is not televised.

Executive is a standing committee of the School Board, which convenes to decide and delegate the work of the Board; to approve Board meeting agendas; and to conduct other activities as assigned by the entire Board. (Board Policy no. 124)

2024 Committee Members

  • Pam Walsh, President

  • Jim Richards, Past President

  • Brenda Hastings, Vice President

  • Cara Meeker,  Secretary

School Board
School Board

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5:30 PM

6:30 PM

Joint Communication & Policy/Instructional Committee

Location: Central Office , 38 Liberty St. Concord

Communications & Policy is a standing committee of the School Board, which convenes to hear and decide on appeals; to meet and decide on grievances; and to hear concerns from parents, students and/or community members. Meeting held at Central Office Board Room, 38 Liberty St. Concord

2024 Committee members

  • Cara Meeker, Chair

  • Jim Richards

  • Barb Higgins

  • Liz Boucher

Instructional Committee

Instructional is a standing committee of the School Board, which convenes to review and recommend curricular and co-curricular goals and programs - including special education programs and programs designed for students for whom English is a second or other language; to review assessment processes and results; to review district program evaluations; and to hear sabbatical leave applications. (Board Policy no. 124)
Meeting held at Central Office Board Room, 38 Liberty St. Concord

2024 Committee Members

  • Brenda Hastings, Chair

  • Jess Campbell

  • Sarah Robinson

  • Barb Higgins

School Board
School Board

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